Lettori fissi

mercoledì 13 luglio 2016

Tramonto fiorito

Alcuni giorni fa ho avuto la grande fortuna di vincere il premio della talentuosa Asha al Blog Hop di TuesdayTrowdown: due timbri Chocolate Baroque con dei fiori meravigliosi, che desideravo da tempo!!! Non vedevo l'ora di provarli, così ho preparato questo mixed media e ho deciso di partecipare al challenge#24 di Chocolate Baroque.
Mi sono ispirata a questa immagine/palette di colori del challenge 
Current Challenge
...e un po' anche al famoso quadro "Notte stellata" di Van Gogh   :D LOL
La base è un cartoncino bianco di recupero. Ho disegnato alcune linee con un pennarello da embossing trasparente e le ho embossate con la polvere da embossing color oro.
Ho stampato due fiori su avanzi di cartoncino bianco, li ho embossati in oro e li ho colorati con i Graph'it markers. Poi li ho ricoperti di vernice trasparente glitterata.
Per creare le "stelle" nel cielo ho mascherato la parte esterna (quella con i petali) di uno dei due timbri di CB e ho stampato solo la parte centrale, embossando con la polvere oro.
Oltre ai due timbri con i fiori, ho usato anche i capelli di Ofelia (un altro timbro di CB che avevo già), perchè mi fanno venire in mente il cipresso in primo piano di "Notte stellata" :D Li ho timbrati due volte, accostandoli ad altezze diverse.

Li ho timbrati direttamente sullo sfondo, li ho colorati con i Graph'it markers e poi li ho ricoperti di glossy accents.
Ho colorato lo sfondo con una grande varietà di Distress Ink, per cercare di riprodurre la palette del challenge e ci ho spruzzato delle gocce d'acqua.
In alcune zone, ho steso del Crackle trasparente (Distress Clear Rock candy).
Ho tagliato uno dei fiori in due parti e le ho posizionate sui bordi; l'altro fiore, intero, l'ho messo al centro. Per fare gli "steli" dei fiori ho usato un avanzo di grosso spago.
Ho aggiunto le bellissime gemme multicolori che Asha mi ha mandato come bonus (GRAZIE!!), e in alcuni casi le ho incollate sopra delle paillettes color oro.
Poi ho incollato tutto sopra tre strati di cartoncino di diversi colori.
...Lo strato più in basso veramente non è un cartoncino, ma è la carta viola che a volte si trova nelle cassette dei pomodori :D Mi piace tantissimo, così l'ho incollata su un cartoncino di recupero e l'ho usata come base! :D 
Mi dispiace di non essere riuscita a catturare in foto tutto il luccichio del mio tramonto... Forse in questa qui sotto, scattata con poca luce esterna, si vede un pochino (ma si perdono i dettagli dei fiori).

Con questo progetto intendo partecipare ai seguenti challenge:

37 commenti:

MiamiKel ha detto...

Sensational!! What a work of art! The colors are so rich and vivid - this truly looks like you could add it to a frame and have it on the wall as well as a gorgeous card. Simply Stunning ♥

Mischelle ha detto...

WOW! This is AWESOME! Truly, a masterpiece!

Regina de Koning ha detto...

Wow, what a great creation.

Jenny L ha detto...

Hi Alice,
what a gorgeous creation.
I love you very fab design of this, and the colours and textures are so very vibrant and lovely.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

McCrafty's Cards ha detto...

Wow Alice this is stunning I love the fabulous colours
Kevin xx

Florence ha detto...

Stunning work Alice. Looks amazing.
Flo x

Dr Sonia S V ha detto...

WOW what a masterpiece...indeed a work of art...you should have it framed....I am totally in awe...the crackle, the vibrancy the sheer colors...oooh super love it!!

Dr Sonia

Valerija ha detto...

Wow, this is amazing. You are so talented. Great job!
Valerija xx

Carol L ha detto...

What a gorgeous art project with beautiful gold accents and an explosion of vivid color! I love the crackle effects and pretty flowers too! You amaze me with the items you recycle into your projects - this time a tomato package insert?! You go girl :)

cotnob ha detto...

This is stunning, such beautiful flowers and fabulous design - I love the gorgeous colours.

Pia S ha detto...

I can't find words to describe how I feel about this piece of art. Wow doesn't cover it. So impressed by all the colors and the amount of detailing on here, colors, sparkle, crackle. My goodness! My favorite piece!!!!

Wendy ha detto...

WOW!!! stunning creation, gorgeous colours and design... Love this so much, fantastic work!
Wendy xx

Lisa ha detto...

Oh my goodness, this is one of the most beautiful works of art I've seen!! I've been staring at the pictures for the last ten minutes!! The colors are spectacular!! The crackle, the gold, everything is amazing!! This is stunning, Alice!! I absolutely love it!! Wow!! Have a great day my friend!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Mrs A. ha detto...

This is a fantastic piece of mixed media art. I love all the vibrant colours and the different textures you have achieved. Hugs Mrs A.

KT Fit Kitty ha detto...

Ooh, Alice, this looks fantastic! I love the bold colour palette you've used - the sunset looks amazing! You achieved so much texture with the Crackle and I love all the gold detailing! I also love how you recycled the purple paper - it goes perfectly here! Congratulations on your winning of the stamps from Asha - you have definitely made good use of them! Thank you for sharing all the details of how you made this awesome project, my friend! I would not even know where to start!

Debra K. ha detto...

Absolutely superb work of art!!! You've out done yourself with this Alice. So much gorgeous textures and colours. Fabulous use of your stamps. I just can't describe how fantastic this is. AMAZING!!!! Debra x

aussie aNNie ha detto...

Fabulous designed creation with stunning and ideal colour combo's.xx {aNNie}

aussie aNNie ha detto...

I have candy if you are interested...xx


Gio ha detto...

Wow, all'inizio colpisce tanto lo sfondo, stupendo, ma poi tutti i dettagli, l'oro, i fiori, il crackle e quei capelli sull'angoletto, geniale. Bella bella! Posso solo immaginare il luccichio!

Peanut ha detto...

Oh my word!!! What an amazing work of art, Alice. Random.org must have known these stamps belong to you. There is all of your trademark attention to detail. The sunset background is simply spectacular. I am sooooo happy to see you create this magical mixed-media piece... a jaw-dropping beauty. Well done, my friend!
bjs, x Asha
p.s. thank you for the shout-out! :)

Sylvia ha detto...

Stunning creation and beautiful colours.Such a gorgeous card.

Hugs,Sylvia x

judith@poppy cottage ha detto...

A stunning card, how lucky you were to win Asha's blog candy, and to be able to create this project. It is very reminiscent of the Van Gogh piece, and I would have recognised what you were trying to represent. Love the details, and great use of the challenge colours. Thanks for your entry into the Chocolate Baroque Challenge, Judith x

Di ha detto...

WOW Alice! This is just stunningly beautiful! A real work of art indeed. Well done.


Di xx

Nunzia Carusio ha detto...

Un'esplosione creativa. Bellissimo tableau.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards ha detto...

wow, wow Alice this is truly stunning I have heard of Graph'it markers but they surely do colour very brilliantly and you use them most skilfully and love all your little extra touches.
You are a most worthy winner of these chocolate baroque stamps :D
Thanks so much for the inspiration, and for popping over too.
Shaz in Oz.x

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Ellibelle ha detto...

Such wonderful details and amazing work you put into this gorgeous creation! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Penny Black and More!

Becca Cruger ha detto...

Absolutely brilliant! All of the colors and the shimmery texture give this card a vibrant glow. <3

Karen P ha detto...

Saw your beautiful project at Di's/Pixie's Snippets Playground and had to come and take a closer look! I am so very very happy I did. Alice this is beautiful and awesome and everything else in between! You are a very talented and clever artiste. Will now be following you Karen x

Meihsia Liu ha detto...

This is such a beautiful creation! The colors and the texture are awesome. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge. :)

Lori ha detto...

Amazing! Love the starry night influence and the vivid colors. Wonderful creation!

Zoe ha detto...

Beautiful card, full of fab techniques, thank you for joining in Chocolate Baroque colour challenge, good luck,Zoe DT member xx

MaryH ha detto...

Am just WOW'd at the fantastic way you've done your version of that magnificent sky. Ditto for doing some creative recycling too. I think this must be one of your best yet, and it's a lovely stamp. You've used brilliant bold colors, lots of sparkling swirls and shown that flower off to a most impressive look. Love all the texture, color and your fantastic design. TFS

debby4000 ha detto...

WOW this is stunning, love the vibrant colours and how you created texture.
Thank you for joining us at Simon says Stamp Wednesday Challenge.

annewaller ha detto...

WOW - stunning creation. Love the colouring and texture. Good luck with the Chocolate Baroque Challenge. Anne X.

Tina Z. ha detto...

absolutely stunning!

Linby ha detto...

wow! such an explosion of colour - reminds me of a Van Gogh. Wonderful work.
Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us at Penny Black & More.
Lynn x

Milka Gubo ha detto...

WOOOW!! Alice, this is stunning!! I love your mixed media card and your take on the I Love Math Challenge #2. :o) My boyfriend also liked your card A LOT!! :o) Thank you so much for joining. xx