Lettori fissi

venerdì 28 ottobre 2022

Per amore dei gattini


Questa card è dedicata a tutte le "Gattare" 😄 LOL (non so come questa parola verrà tradotta in inglese... ma credo che l'immagine parli da sé! Credo che si dica "crazy cat ladies" LOL 😄) ed è l'ultima per il Cat Lovers Hop. Sono riuscita a farne 5, una al giorno! Ho battuto il mio record, non credevo che ci sarei riuscita! LOL 😄


Ho vinto di recente un voucher per The Paper Shelter e mentre sceglievo le immagini ho visto questa e non potevo di certo lasciarmela sfuggire! Sono io!! LOL 😅

L'ho colorata con un mix di Graph'it Markers e Copics. L'ho ritagliata con una fustella scallop Creative Expressions e ho colorato lo sfondo con il DI Spun Sugar. Ho disegnato il pavimento con un pennarello sottile (è molto impreciso, lo so...) e ho aggiunto un po' di colore sulle piastrelle usando una matita color ocra. I sentiments sono brand Jane's Doodles ("Meow") e Unity ("Meow meow meow"). 😂 😂 Ho aggiunto un gatto tagliato con un punch da un cartoncino di recupero (scatola esterna di un cibo per gatti... tanto per restare in tema! 😂 ) Incollata su un cartoncino color amaranto e... finita!

Con questo progetto vorrei partecipare ai seguenti challenges:

31 commenti:

Liz ha detto...

What a fun card, Alice. It certainly is a Crazy Cat Lady! xx

Ellibelle ha detto...

What a sweet image this is, I could totally see myself in this situation and would fully enjoy it too LOL!
Great job on making 5 cards for the hop, I only managed to make 2 cards but surely enjoyed seeing all the cat themed cards!

So nice to see you sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge, too!
Ellibelle's Corner

Sunshine HoneyBee ha detto...

Wonderful coloring. Visiting from Cat Lovers Blog Hop.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

brenda ha detto...

Non riesco a tenere il passo questa settimana Alice, hai realizzato così tante adorabili carte con temi Cat, questa è un'altra creazione davvero divertente.

B x

papierelle ha detto...

I love this image!!! It says it all!! I love the hop!!

mandysea ha detto...

What a cosy little scene! Lucky cat lady surrounded by so many darling kitties!! A wonderful card! Happy hopping!

Suzanne H ha detto...

She looks so content with all those little kitties. Beautifully colored.

Faith A at Daffodil Cards ha detto...

Absolutely perfect, your crazy cat lady card is just wonderful in every way.
Faith x

KT Fit Kitty ha detto...

Hahaha, yes, a crazy cat lady, like the rest of us! I was wondering if this lady was you, and I just read that you said it is! Hahaha, it's purr-fect! That's a lot of colouring and it looks so beautiful! I love all of the Meow sentiments and the cute punched kitty! There's even a framed kitty portrait on the wall, so adorable! Congratulations on breaking your record and making 5 cards this year! You did it! Yay! I think this year was the most fun hop yet! Thank you again for your very sweet and meaningful comments on my blog! As always, much love, hugs, peace, joy, and prayers going out to you, my friend!

Crafting With Jack ha detto...

Beautifully coloured card. Perfect for the Cat Lovers Hop.

Becca Yahrling ha detto...

I think we all agree this is one awesome image!! And how appropriate for this fun challenge. You've colored it purrrfectly!

aussie aNNie ha detto...

Fun card Alice, This is so beautiful, lovely delightful colours and design x

Gio ha detto...

Carinissima!! Ah averli tutti quei gatti..^.^

Paperesse ha detto...

Just hopping by...what a cute card! I love that image...it's 'purr-fect'!

NanaConnie ha detto...

That definitely would be me - completely 'owned' by cats! Great card, Alice. :-D Visiting from the Cat Lovers Hop again.

Curly ha detto...

This is such a fun card, she looks very happy and content with her feline friends:)
Thank you so much for joining us at Crafty Catz Challenge, we hope you will join us again next week.
Have a lovely week
Bridget Crafty Catz DT

LeslieT ha detto...

Popping over from the Cat Hop today to say hello! LOVE this image with all her kitties!
Love To Scrap 2

Sarn ha detto...

Questa è un'immagine davvero divertente, Alice. Ottima carta. X

KraftyKoolKat ha detto...

This is such a cute and fun filled creation Alice, it made me smile.

Trina P. ha detto...

Congrats on meeting your goal! Another cute cat card to add to the CLH. The image is so fun and beautifully coloured. And great job on creating the floor… It kooks fantastic!

Roberta Stevenson ha detto...

Love this super adorable stamp and the scene you created. Gorgeous colouring.
Thanks for participating in the 2022 Cat Lovers Hop! I'm hopping by to say hi to everyone and check out all of the amazing cat creations and inspiration.

Janis ha detto...

What a PURR-fect image to finish our Hop with! Love all those kitties and how happy the CatLady is!! We all can relate to this one. You did a lovely job of coloring. Such a fun card!!
Thank you so much for all your lovely participation in the #2022CatLoversHop!!
❤ J
jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Fikreta ha detto...

Love this iamge!
so nice card!

thank you for playing at SUYP/Cats only challenge
Hope to see you again! Good luck!
my blog: Bad Kitty's Craft Room
and hi from cat lovers blog hop!

crafty-stamper ha detto...

Fabulous fun image and love all the cats and the little recycled one too
Carol x

Carole J ha detto...

Hopping over from the Cat Lovers Hop to say hello again. This digi stamp is just perfect for the hop and is so beautifully coloured!
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving lovely comments - I really appreciate that. Hope to see you again next year and we can do it all over again!

Susan Renshaw ha detto...

Love your cat lady card!
Just hopping by from the Cat Lovers Hop!

Sue D ha detto...

That is definitely a cat lady! Great card.

Leigh S-B - The Sharpie Domino Queen ha detto...

LOL, look at all those kitties, PURRFECT life! Hopping in from the Cat Lovers Hop, thank you for visiting LeighSBDesigns Inspiration Blog and leaving us some love for the CLH, so much appreciated!

My Side of Oz ha detto...

A very happy cat lady with all her friends! Lovely coloring!

HilaryJane ha detto...

Oh dear, I seem to have missed a couple of your posts and I thought I had checked my reading list every day and yet still I missed them! Your crazy cat lady is delightful, lot's of people will relate to it very well including me in my younger days. I don't have any cats now as my husband is not a fan. In fact I have vowed not to ever own a per again for various reasons. Entering the challenge 5 times is quite an achievement if you ask me. I didn't make one time! xx

Linby ha detto...

Perfect for a cat lover and of course you! It's a great image.