Lettori fissi

domenica 27 ottobre 2019

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Ho ancora due card per il Cat Lovers Hop 2019! :D Ci sono riuscita!
Per entrambe ho usato timbri Newton's Nook.
La prima è un omaggio a Newton, il famoso micio rosso di Jen e Jeff, che purtroppo è mancato proprio in questi giorni.
Mi dispiace molto... so com'è triste quando i nostri amici pelosi ci lasciano... :(  
Lasciano anche un'impronta profonda nel nostro cuore
Newton ha ispirato il nome, il logo e il micio dei timbri di questo brand.
Ho timbrato su un avanzo di carta bianca, tagliata con una fustella stitched a onda brand Apple Blossom. Ho colorato il timbro con i Promarkers.
Ho tagliato un pezzo di cartoncino lucido arancione (recuperato da una confezione di stickers) con la fustella Mixed Media#2 di Tim Holtz.
Ho tagliato un pezzo di cartoncino da una scatola della pizza, l'ho colorata con il Distress Ink Vintage Photo e Ground Expresso e l'ho incollata sotto al cartoncino arancione.
Ho unito i pezzi e ho incollato tutto su un cartoncino marrone. Ho aggiunto due photo corners di cartoncino (presi dal mio stash) e una tag arancione glitterata con un avanzo di nastro azzurro e un cuoricino di legno.

Con questo progetto vorrei partecipare ai seguenti challenges:


29 commenti:

Suzanne H ha detto...

What a wonderful tribute to Newton. Your colors are wonderful.

Chark ha detto...

so beautiful!

Karenladd ha detto...

Books and cats are two of my favorite things...love this card!

DonnaMundinger ha detto...

What a pretty design! BEautiful die cut and even using recycled materials. A very sweet tribute to Newton. xxD

mandysea ha detto...

Educated kitties!! Love this gorgeous images!~

Vivian Foo ha detto...

Very pretty card.

Tink ha detto...

Awesome card! Love the reading cats!

Becca Yahrling ha detto...

I think those silly kitties are really napping! Making
us just THINK they're reading. lol It's a great design!

Chris ha detto...

Cute stamps, lovely design and beautiful colours- so impressed that you used recycled packaging , would never have guessed!
Thanks for joining us at Crafty Calendar this month

Fikreta ha detto...

wonderful card!

LeslieT ha detto...

Absolutely beautiful! Such a sweet tribute to Newton. <3
Love To Scrap 2

Carol L ha detto...

Loving the split panels here with that die cut lower portion - it looks perfectly balanced with the corner adornments at the top. Love the tag with the tiny heart too, and how sad that Newton is missing :( Hope he finds his way back home soon!

ike ha detto...

Such a sweet card. Gorgeous design and I love that die cut lacy section :-)
Visiting you from the Cat Lovers' Blog Hop.
IKE =^..^=

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NanaConnie ha detto...

This is so sweet, Alice! Love how you colored the kitties to match Newton's ginger fur. :-D Hope to see you in the hop again next year.

Carole J ha detto...

A beautiful card, Alice. I love the floral die you used on this and your colouring of the stamps is gorgeous! A beautiful card design. It was so sad to hear about Newton :( xx

cuilliesocks ha detto...

Another gorgeous cat card Alice, love the cute image and your card design. Beautiful die too, Kate x

KT Fit Kitty ha detto...

Oooh, I love this one too, Alice! I think I clicked them in reverse order, oooops! Such a beautiful tribute to Newton! Your book-loving kitties are so cute and I love the gorgeous die-cut panel! I always enjoy reading about the items you recycled too! So happy to see another kitty card at the hop, my friend! You are one of my favourite cat lovers and so happy we met in blog land!


Denise Bryant ha detto...

Awesome card! Love the layers and the darling kitties!

Arianna Barbara ha detto...

Oh wow!!! La tua card è fantastica! Adoro gli stampi col piccolo Newton. Dolcissimo tributo! Complimenti davvero perché tutti i dettagli sono meravigliosi!

Trina P. ha detto...

So adorable. Super fun design. Great reminder that I need to check my Newton’s Nook NBUS pile. 😂

Lisa J ha detto...

Cute card. Thanks for playing along with us at Crafty Animals. Lisa DT

jenny Ginger Ninja Crafts ha detto...

Another great card! So sweet and I love the die cut details and the little heart tag, so special.
Jenny xx
Visiting from the Cat Lovers Hop

Susan Renshaw ha detto...

Love uour design. Super images!

Sue D ha detto...

Great card design and coloring.

Janis ha detto...

BEAUTIFUL tribute to a iconic cat. Your card is fabulous, Alice. I love that curvy design and the sweet kitties which you colored so wonderfully. What a gorgeous die-cut, too...so intricate and elegant.
Thanks so much for playing along in the #2019CatLoversHop!!!
<3 J

jwoolbright at gmail dot com

Pia S ha detto...

This is so beautiful! Quite simple compared to your usual style, but with a clever use of straight lines and curves and so cute with the little tag. A really brilliant layout for this adorable scene.

cotnob ha detto...

A beautiful card, sweet images and lovely die cut.
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

Stephanie Klein ha detto...

So pretty! Thank you for joining us over at the Bastel-Traum Challenge Blog. Hugs, Stéphanie (bastel-traum DT)

Indy's Designs ha detto...

Your Newton's are so cute! So glad you shared your talents with us at Cupcake Inspirations!