sabato 23 febbraio 2019

Un aiuto per Kelly

Un veloce post per aiutare un'amica blogger!
Ho un favore da chiedervi!! La mia dolce amica Kelly di Sandcastle Stamper sta sperando di vincere una disputa, aggiungendo almeno 50 followers al suo blog.
Se lei vince, potrà offrire attrezzature davvero necessarie alla truppa di boy-scout di suo figlio.
Per favore, se potete visitate il suo blog e diventate suo follower e ditele che vi mando io. Io l'apprezzerei molto!!
Vi prometto che non vi pentirete di diventare follower di Kelly!! Lei è molto creativa e ingegnosa, i suoi progetti sono sempre stupendi e d'ispirazione!!
Il contest termina domani, 24 febbraio, quindi è urgente!!
Grazie mille per l'aiuto :)
Before you go, I have a favor to ask of you!! My sweet friend Kelly of Sandcastle Stamper is hoping to win a contest by adding at least 50 blog followers.
If she wins, she'll be able to provide much-needed equipment for her son's scout troop. So if you could stop by her blog, click on her followers button and tell her I sent you, I'd appreciate it!!
I promise you won't regret following her!! She's so creative and talented, her projects are always amazing and I always leave her blog inspired!!
The contest ends this Sunday, 2/24 so go now to follow her, please! 😉👍
Thank you all so much for helping out  :)

9 commenti:

  1. Just stopping by to say Hi Alice!! I'm already friends with Kelly and so hoping she wins!! Have a great weekend!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  2. I already follow Kelly's fun blog, and I enjoy it too :)

  3. Already followed thanks Alice.
    Linda xxx

  4. I am going to your friend's blog right now, Alice. Hugs, my dear friend.

  5. You are such a kind lady Alice. Just popped over to Kelly's blog and now following. Hugs Flo xx

  6. Just hopped over to Kelly's blog and I'm now one of her followers. xx

  7. Ohhhh Alice, I am so thankful to you! Thanks so much for putting this little happy note on your blog - I appreciate you so much! It's an honor to be your friend ♥

    Muah! xx

  8. Hello, Alice! I already follow this sweet lady! I hope she does well with her goal!


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